Booking Assistance

How do I book a package holiday?

When you click “Book”, two options appear: “Accommodation” and “Ferry”. Under “Accommodation”, you select the days of arrival and departure (observing the two-night minimum) and the number of rooms and persons. Next, a list of available hotels with their respective room availability will appear. Select the combination that best suits your preferences. Further hotel details are available by clicking “Read more”.

In the next step, select the ferry departure times you prefer. The available departures each day will appear. Select the departure time you prefer. Several different types of ticket may appear. The price and rules for the ticket in question are shown at the bottom of the window. The products you have selected will be shown at the top of the page at all times. When you have made your choices the shopping cart will appear. Here you can book extra products such as bicycles, tee-off times at golf courses, etc. When you are ready to continue, click “Continue”.

Under step three, you must indicate the name of at least one hotel for each respective ferry booking.

Why don’t any matching dates appear?

You have selected a period when package holidays are unavailable. For assistance, please contact our sales department, tel. +46 (0) 411-236602.

What is cancellation insurance?

Cancellation insurance covers the fees involved with cancellation and costs SEK 100.00 per person and trip.
If you would like this insurance, please tick the box when you view the contents of your shopping cart.
See the cancellation insurance rules under “Special Terms and Conditions of Travel”.

How do I proceed when I have selected my package holiday and am ready to continue?

Click “Continue” in the shopping cart window. A page will appear where you fill in the names of all the travellers, your customer specifications and your payment information.

Is it safe to enter my credit card information?

Yes. All personal information is entered on an encrypted page (SSL 128 bits) where it is safe to enter personal data and credit card information.
We only use your e-mail address for sending your booking confirmation and in a few other cases – if you forget your username and password, for instance.

Can I break off my booking procedure?

Yes. You can cancel your entire order by clicking “Discontinue booking” in the shopping cart window.

When is my booking ready to submit?

Your booking is ready after you have filled in all the information on the “Customer information and payment” page and then clicked “Confirm payment” in the bottom right corner of the page. When a booking has been made, your “Booking confirmation” will appear. You can login at any time to view your current and previous bookings. Click “Login” and enter the username and password you receive with your e-mail confirmation.